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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Robert Pattinson takes on the b**ches from The View

Before you watch, I must warn you...Barb will make you want to break something. The woman should know better than to cut off RPattz *shaking fists*

Rob brought his posse along with man.

Can I just say right now how annoyed I am with the fact that these American networks enjoy purposefully BLOCKING Canadians?! They let me watch the recaps from The View, but not full episodes. Does this make any damn sense?? I think not. Jo's theory is that it is because Canada beat the US in Olympic hockey. My response.....mahbeh *snickers*


  1. LMFAO! Yeah, definitely wanted to stick an ice pick in Barbwah's eyeball this morning!

  2. *snort* I just saw this now.

    And I pick in eyeball would have been a good solution to the Barbwah problem O.o
