Before I begin, I must warn you, I was in a highly emotional state while writing this book report...from crying all day while reading...
*points up* This book *takes a calming breath* broke me.
I know, it sounds really cheesy, considering the name. However, I cannot possibly give you another adjective to describe how I feel right now.
Sadie’s struggles with being the devoted and loving wife of a quadriplegic...broke me.
Adam’s struggles with being a quadriplegic and having to live with the fact that he couldn’t love his wife the way he had vowed to do, so many years before...broke me.
Joe’s sexcapades in an effort to fuck his way through countless women he could have (and did have) when he always seemed to find his way back to the one woman he couldn’t....BROKE ME.
Need I explain any further?
Well, I could, but if I did, then I’d spoil the book for you.
I will say this, however, and that is: this book will make the most hardened of hearts break in two. There is no possible way you can read “Broken” without shedding at least one tear. If you manage to do so, then you need to get your tear ducts checked. No joke.
Granted I’m an emotional person, but I literally cried my eyes shut. At one point, I had to bury my face in my pillow to muffle the sobs that were ripping from my body. I actually felt physical pain from what I was reading.
So I ask you again, have I scared you yet?
At least take some solace in knowing that Megan Hart does not leave her readers without some form of closure. However, your idea of closure and her idea of closure might differ. Just sayin'.
I also have to say that you do get some small snippets of information about the characters from the previous book, Dirty. That means that you find out what happens to Elle and Dan. Once again, very clever author. *wink*
On an erotica scale of 1 to 10, I have to give this book an overall 7...and I’m being generous. This book is not meant to turn you on. It’s meant to do what it says...leave you broken. However, when Megan Hart wants to flip your switch, she knows exactly how to do it. So my overall rating comes with exceptions.
Naturally, I had to read the next book, Stranger, since I had to see if we learned anything else about Sadie and Joe. My review for that book will be up soon.
On a sidenote, if you haven’t grasped this by now, be warned that you will accomplish DICK ALL when you read this woman’s shit. Nuff said.
Okay, Caro---I hear ya loud and clear, BB. I guess I need to give her another try. I have read "Switch" and I told you how it drove me nuts....but I will give this a try and let you know what I think. Love ya!