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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

TOTAL Twilight Saga Eclipse of my heart

Let me start this blog off by saying just a few things: number one, there are going to be Eclipse spoilers, so if you have not had the opportunity of seeing it yet....that totally blows....and don’t read, yet. ;-)

Number two, I may offend Jacob/wolf lovers, so again....probably not a good idea to read.

Consider yourself warned.

I had the pleasure of seeing Eclipse this evening with my good friend, and fellow FFFW member, Addicted To Love.  Let me tell ya, that woman is one hell of a trooper. Not only did she drive over 2 hours to watch the movie with me, but she also withstood my constant groping and hand holding...I am a tactile person. ;-)

So here are the scenes of the movie that had me grabbing onto ATL or just plain yelling at the screen...yes I did that, and I would (and will) do it again. :-P

  1. That opening damn meadow scene. Aside from the fact that Rob is one hell of a kisser, DUDE IS FUGGING GRABBY!  I love how he is not afraid to use his hands *waggles eyebrows*    
  2. The stolen kiss. I nearly pissed my pants at the sound that Bella’s fist made when it thudded against Jake’s face. Best. Shit. Ever.  I want to listen to that on playback. Just sayin’.
  3. You know what’s actually should have been number one. The leg hitch, and thigh grab.  Granted I wanted them to mack a little longer, but getting to see some Edward-cest-porn along with sucking-face-porn and grabby-hands-porn was total and absolute WIN WIN WIN.  It also gives me hope that if that movie was G-rated, then we are definitely going to get what we have all been waiting for on Isle Esme in Breaking Dawn.
  4. That leads me to the real proposal. I not only sighed, but aw'd while holding onto ATL. It was a wonderful scene, and I’m so glad that they didn’t leave that out after he spur-of-the-moment proposed at the end of New Moon (hated that, by the way). I think it also needs to be said that the ring was a total let-down. FAIL ON THE RING, PROP PEOPLE!
  5. The “real first kiss” with Jacob. *ducks and hides behind Lindz* STOP THROWING SHIT AND LET ME EXPLAIN!  This wasn’t a happy moment for me, but rather one of those yell-at-the-screen-and-shake-your-fists moments.  I was so totally pissed right the hell off with this. However, it had to be done...and it was done well. (I really wanted to bitch slap Bella, though; which reminded me why the book gave me such anxiety).  Let’s just get one thing straight, for the record....Edward macks a million times better. Nuff said.
  6. Photobucket
  7. Preparing for the fight against the newborns. I loved it in the book, and I loved seeing it on screen. Jasper had his moment to shine, and shine he did.
  8. Then, of course, there was the scene when Bella and wolfy Jake have their moment.  CGI totally ROCKED!  That wolf made it very clear that he was not impressed when Edward interrupted the petting *snort*.
  9. The actual fight scene in the clearing. That. Shit. Was. EPIC!  You read about them ripping apart stone, but to actually see it in action was too much. I actually said, at one point, “My brain is on overload!” because it totally was.  I tip my hat to the CGI people, again, on this movie. Well fucking done.
  10. Now, I’m saving the best for last. Can you guess what scene it was? Come on now, give it a go. ;-)  YES DAMMIT, THE TENT SCENE!!!!!  I thought for sure it was going to make me want to puke, and I will admit to feeling a bit queasy, but that had to be, hands down, one of the top scenes so perfectly executed by Mr. Slade.  And I will admit that Taylor did a great job being the cocky bastard that Jacob was in that scene. However, and you know this is true. ROB. FUCKING. NAILED. IT. He took my breath away with how well he was able to become Edward in that tense and conflicting moment. I was damn floored...but not surprised ;-)

I could really keep going on about things I loved about the movie.  Like Nikki’s portrayal of Rosalie; I hate the dark brows, but damn if that girl doesn’t do the part to a fucking tee.  Or how about Mr. Rathbone?  He brought Jasper to life for us and allowed us to see the side of him that we all grew to love in the books; Jaz totally doesn’t get enough love.  Then there was Gil’s telling of the tribal history and ancestors, Esme kicking some SERIOUS ASS in the fight scene, Leah being such a huge pain that you just wanted to strangle her, Boo Boo, shit I mean Seth, being the sweet grey wolf that you just wanted to take home as a pet.  I could literally just go on and on.

But I won’t. I will, however, leave you with this thought...

Billy Burke needs more screen time. That man can make me pee my pants by saying one word...“Super!”—if you love BB and you’ve seen the movie, you’ll know what part I’m talking about.

So that’s all for now, folks. I will be seeing this movie again this week, and will likely be back for take two of my reaction blog. So stay tuned.


  1. Dude...I am sooooo with you....'cept for the FIRST KISS?? You better hide...I hated that as much as I hated it in the book. Fack. I wanted to smash both their fucking heads together and toss them off the cliff....I won't even go into what was wrong with that for me, but I am sure you know ;)

    The tent scene...I agree..I was dreading that for gagging reasons too, but, it came out good....and Rob was awesome. AWESOME!

    I loved so many of the same things you did. The ring...yeah, go back to the drawing board peeps...that was not good. KStew looked amazing, ROB was, well....just too much for words, Billy Burke - Stole the show...and Riley took a little piece of my heart.

    Overall..loved it....beyond what my words can say....I love Edward more than ever...and the rest of the Cullens...amazing...


    Can't wait until we see it together!


  2. Dude...I am sooooo with you....'cept for the FIRST KISS?? You better hide...I hated that as much as I hated it in the book. Fack. I wanted to smash both their fucking heads together and toss them off the cliff....I won't even go into what was wrong with that for me, but I am sure you know *pukes*

    The tent scene...I agree..I was dreading that for gagging reasons too, but, it came out good....and Rob was awesome. AWESOME!

    I loved so many of the same things you did. The ring...yeah, go back to the drawing board peeps...that was not good. KStew looked amazing, ROB was, well....just too much for words, Billy Burke - Stole the show...and Riley took a little piece of my heart.

    Overall..loved it....beyond what my words can say....I love Edward more than ever...and the rest of the Cullens...amazing...I LOVED the flashbacks for Rose and glad they included them. Was hoping for a little glimpse of when Rose met Em, but oh, well, cant have it all! Oh, and Em...fucking hilarious as usual.

    Can't wait until we see it together!


  3. I totally ditto everything you said. :P

    Funny how I was hiding behind you, when you're the one I should have been hiding from. LOL! Did you not read properly?! I hated that damn scene so much, but it doesn't mean it wasn't done well. I wanted to fucking strangle Bella and steal Edward away. LOL!

    You just reminded me that I forgot to mention Riley. Damn if that boy wasn't entirely too lickable. ATL and I were both in agreement that his lips were not only screaming to be kissed, but also bitten, licked, sucked on, you name it. ;-)

  4. I so agee with both you ladies on all parts and can't believe I missed the hand in the first meadow scene in the beginning. Thud!!! Just another reason to go see it again. Oh and yes the Supposed To Be Real Kiss (gag gag) was very hard to take - I wanted to throw my popcorn at the screen and yes I wanted to hurt Bella badly. The First Kiss was priceless when Bella punched Jacob and the sound effects Oh My God. Also the tent scene was very scary to go into but was Done Extremely Well even by Taylor - I truly hate Jacob in this book because of his condescending tone and ways but Taylor does an awesome job. Cough*Cough - there enough compliants for the actor that plays the dog. Anyway yes Rob was beyond exceptional BUT I so wish they kept the line from the book about reminding dear Jacob aobut him Imprinting and that "I" Edward would be waiting. I LOVE THAT LINE in the book, always do fist thumps at that part. I literally out loud screamed when they didn't do that line in the movie (yes my poor mom was embarassed but luckily she got my reaction). Although she wanted to hit me for my reactions towards Jacob (she's a dog lover) but Thanks To Mr. Jackson Rathone for doing an amazing job telling Jasper's tale - she is now on Team Jasper (still loves the dog but at least she's to the right side slowly). I gave my heart a little to Jasper after that performance. Awww...yes Riley - totally agree with ya Caro about those lips - have mercy!! Billy Burke was absolutely the scene stealer especially with I'm A Virgin scene. EPIC!! Because they did that scene line for line in the book & then Billy added a Billyism - sweet lord I swear I peed my pants I laughed so hard. Ok so it wasn't done in the living room like the book - gee wizz people. The Dialogue was dead on. I can't wait for BD and Billy doing Charlie when he finds out about Jake and goes to see Bella after her transformation and meets his grand daughter. Oh and him dealing with the wedding and escorting Bella to Edward -Tissues people. :)

  5. Oopps sorry for not including spaces and making paragraphs. Didn't realize it could take such a long comment and didn't think about breaking it up unitl afterwards. The words were just pooring out didm't think.

  6. Dammit Char you got me all goosebumpy!

    I cannot wait for all of those scenes in BD also. I just hope they don't mess it up now that it's definitely two movies.

    As for the stuff they messed up/left out in Eclipse...I've come to terms with it. I will always love this movie the most, I think. At least thus far anyway. Compared to the other two, this movie was WIN!

    I totally forgot about that line that Edward says, though. Shame on me! You what I did miss? them filling out all the college applications, and him showing up with a fresh batch everyday. So many small details to show the bond between Bella and Edward.

    Oh well, I've seen it 3 times now, and still love it every time. :)
