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Friday, January 22, 2010

A New Day

So I seem to be making a daily appearance with this fuckshit.

Not sure who's actually reading (aside from those following and commenting), but I'm finding it incredibly theraputic. *eyeroll*

Too bad I still can't seem to figure out how to turn off the damn waterworks. Can someone please direct me towards the switch or sumshit?!


So, today is a new day right? A new dawn? A new life? Okay, now I just sound like Michael Buble. I do love that song though. Here, have a listen...

Hmmm, he says it good, huh? Words drifting on by, you know how I feel. I guess that's all we really got, right? Our words? Yeah, doesn't always seem to fucking work.

*gives Buble the finger* Fuck you, hotness, but you're kinda fulla shit with that crap. But you're still yummy with your sexy ass voice. ;o)

So, here's where I'm at right now:
  • I can only do what I can do. I have accepted that.
  • I'm a human being, and I defs don't have all the answers, but I do the best I can.
  • Sometimes (maybe all the time) my best is not good enough for everyone, but it's all I have to offer.
So knowing that some things are just not in our hands anymore has to be reassuring, right? Urrrrrm, I'm going to go with a big fucking resounding NO. If that were the case, I would be doing something much more productive than blogging right now. But I digress.

So here's my thought for the day. When in doubt, get a stamp...

*Buble snickers in the background*

*C shoots her eyes in the direction of said snicker and sighs exaggeratedly*

Really? First Mick Foley, now Michael Buble. WHERE THE FUCKING FUCK IS ROBERT PATTINSON, G'DAMMT?! *huffs and pouts*

He's the only one whose smile can make ME smile regardless of how fucking YUCK I may be feeling. Just look...

So that's all I got for now. Here's to a new day *hairy eyeball*


  1. Hey bb, I hope you figure out where that switch is for your tears I hate to think of my friends being sad. Just know your loved bb. Big fucking hugs sent your way. Remember all we can do is do our best and you can't please everyone Im trying to learn that too. I've tried it never works, someone is always going to get mad at you no matter what you do. Someone always gets hurt and most of the time its you. Just keep your head up and keep going.

    I love that pic of damn that man is one hot ass.

    hugs and love...

  2. Thanks Lady damn true damn true.

    *sigh* I love that picture too...he makes meh all tingly and smiley LOL
